Sunday, May 14, 2006

Ghana sunshine

I’m still trying to figure out what I loved about Ghana. Unlike most trips, I came back from there energized and feeling nurtured, not drained.

The key is in the interactions. Everywhere I went, people bathed me in sunshine with their smiles and friendly acknowledgements. What was going on? It’s so elusive. All I know is that the quality of interaction was different. The smiles and hellos felt like a gift, but with no expectation that I owed anything back.

What is fascinating is that this gift opened something in me, and I found this same kind of easy acknowledging of others flowing out of me, and somehow I found myself feeling very relaxed and at ease in the world.

So much simple magic about relationships!


  1. My wife and I visited Benin and Ghana 1 1/2 years ago, and most of the trip was wonderful, indeed. Our experience in Ghana, unfortunately, was not everything it might have been because of one rather disturbed person (who wasn't originally from Ghana by the way) who monopolized our trip. But, it was certainly a beautiful country and I hope to revisit it sometime in better company. The experience in Benin was totally wonderful.

    Looking forward to the possibility of exploring some Ghanaian connections with you, June.

  2. One resource for folks who are interested in getting involved in business development in Ghana is The African Connection at

    While this website serves people interested in any part of Africa, the publisher, Larry Osei-Kwaku, is originally from Kumasi, Ghana.

    June, do you have some other web resources you could share with us?

  3. I lived in Ghana as a boy in the late 1950's just after Independence. It was a magical experience for me and my sister and the turning point of my parents' lives.

    I long to return. I will have to find some excuse

    I read the other day this saying that reinforces all that you say - "The reason that Ghanains have ears is to prevent their smiles from going all the way around their heads"

    There is a joy and life their that I have never found again

  4. Peace, Rob. If you're looking for some excuse to return to Ghana, what about the 50th anniversary of their indepence next year? Should be quite a celebration!!!

  5. My sister and I have decided that we are just going to go anyway. It will have to be 2008. By the way I got a school prize handed to me in person by Kwame Nkrumah
