Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Ingenuity Festival - July 19-22 - Cleveland, Ohio
Innovation happens at the intersection... of two or more different, yet similar, groups.


  • one technology meets another
  • one discipline meets another
  • one department meets another
  • one network meets another
  • one neighborhood meets another
  • the forest meets the meadow
  • the ocean meets the shore.

The intersection of Art and Technology will be highlighted at Cleveland's Ingenuity Festival next week. Art, dance, music, theater and technology remixed through a long weekend: July 19th - 22nd.

I was first introduced to the intersection of art and technology many years ago when a client told me, after a long examination of a social network map of his organization, that my network diagrams reminded him of Jackson Pollock paintings! I took that as a compliment, and the art/tech seed was planted for me. Hmmm... I thought... analytic data visualizations as art... could be!

As a prelude to the Ingenuity Festival, Cleveland State University is holding a public forum on Creativity and Technology. Come hear more about Innovation at the Intersections!

UPDATE: For a more detailed examination of Innovation at the Intersections come hear Ed Morrison and Valdis Krebs at the Synergy Speaker's Forum, Saturday, July 21st @ Noon during the Ingenuity Festival.

1 comment:

  1. I like the intersections idea abut innovation; my own line had been that innovation happens when you find the person to whom a novel solution is obvious (i.e. the cleverness is finding the person, not the idea). This is more elegant.
